noodles jam and fighting

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

this happend about a week ago but i though it was funny.

how scared was i that my registry was corrupted.....

i have had trouble uploading will do something about that.

it is a funny picture

i am lazy

stuff has happend
i have eaten a lot of food.
superman was way to long and boring
seven is a good film
castlevania is good
still need somewhere to live
need a better job.

will flesh out with more details at some point in the future by which point i will have forgotton

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

near death experience

i forgot to write about my near hear attack experience last tuesday.

i played indoor football with 6 other people so 3 and 4 on team

i can honestly say i have never felt so close to a heart attack as i did for that hour. funny thing as soon as i left and walked home i was fine again. i must say that my absolutely terrible football skills didn't help me. i must say i have no skill and teh reason being as a kid a played video games and didn't use my legs for nothing but walking. and boy does it show.

anyway to sumarise what was already short and badly described i suck at football and i am unfit.

old school

after much search of every shop in edinburgh i found a copy of the castlevania double pack and it super cool. i like old school games like castlevania they make me happy but also annoyed because they are harder than newer games.

anyway i ahve interupted plenty of play to write this nonsense. notice how i said that earlier as well

i may i'm not to lazy start to write reviews as a way to get some practice so i can try to pursue my future career in videogame journalism. but judging by my writing and apparent lack of english language ability i wonder if that will happen.

oh oh oh i do need a new job and a place to live

the place to live being the more important part.

tesco's noodles on monday and amoy noodles on tuesday
no fighting or jam on either days

other weekend activities and up comming events

i spent a lot of time watching films over the weekend.

i achieved a lot standing goal of mine on saturday which is to see the same film twice at the cinema on the same day. this was acheived with pirates of the carabean 2. which i saw at 14:15 and 21:35 in between which i saw the first film. yay me cinema hardcore.

i watched over the fence before that which was pretty good but looked shit in comparison to cars which is fucking incredible to look at even if it does have a soppy story.

sunday watched the dr who cop out finale. i was quite disapointed that the daleks and cybermen were defeated so easily. and that rose didn't actually die. but hey ho.

also watched district 13 gotta love that parkour stuff very impressive like a french ong bak. i'm still confused over why the release the original grudge 2 as surely it will make marketing the grudge 2 remake more confusing. that grudge 2 is a crazy film not scary just plain weird.

gotta love that zidane. poor old french i think they should have won.

no noodles jam or fighting on saturday or sunday

what is lady cum

on friday yes i do realise it is tuesday but i am interupting valuable castlevania time to write this nonsense. i went to see a strange strange thing. it was a art exhibition but this crazy girl who drew pictures of her self mastubating.

yes she took pictures with a camera and then drew numerous different of pictures of herself masturbating. but she didn't just draw normally no. she drew with out looking at the paper instead she looked at the photo and then wiggled her hand about on the paper. this would probably explain while the pictures all looked quite scary particularily the faces and why some looked a lot like men.

there was a little bit of text on one of the pictures that explained what lady cum is a fascinating piece of information he only bits of whcih i can remember are that it is possibly urine and some ladies can squirt 900 mililitres of the stuff.

she had also draw pictures of some implements she likes to like a toothbrush, a sure deoderant and my favourite a horse.

since it was opening night there was free booze although it wasn't very good.

this other girl who was showing of her vibrator pillows had a low cut top so you felt drawn to looking at her breasts when she was talking.

in case anyone wants to see this it goes on until teh end of july at the forest cafe in edinburgh

the serve very nice buritos and have comfy chairs.

and lastly there were no noodles, jam or fighting.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

always keep important papers

yeah this is an important piece of advice for the kids always always keep your important receipts and such what because you never know when you will really really need them!!!

on other news not only am i absolutely terrible at football and i also quite unfit and quite tired to say the least playing what was essential 3 a side in door football for an hour. after about 20 minutes i was knackered after 40 minutes i was not really moving much and by the end i wasn't really moving. but as soon it was finished i was able to walk home fine. the craziness of the human body.


due to much laziness and not bothering and stuff i have not written about my exciting life.

so just the highlights - flashing a ds lite can be hazzardous and may require a trip back to game station the day after you bought it if you fuck up. luckily mine is okay but i have now seen first hand a bricked ds lite.

other stuff has happend and at the time it was cool and i would have written about it but now i can't be bothered because i can't.

oh yeah the film reeker has a terrible ending which just smacks of laziness and not knowing how to end a film. so they just put some bullshitt twist ending on just to annoy you. lamers indeed.

suits although cool to wear can make you very hot if you dance around in a hot room. it is good exercise though and sweating does remove toxins and stuff so it's not to bad.

fighting - zero witnessed one report
jam - no jam
noodles - 3 packets.

i have come to the conclusion that super noodles are better than tescos 21p noodles. but the proper thick ones that you fry are the best though.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

secret friends

yesterday i was very honored to have 67 emails all about me and the quest to find out about my secret friends.

rather than describe the rest of my day that wasn't that interesting i'll skip forward.

I had some nice chicken enchelades (don't think that's spelt right) at the cameo bar. the crazy people behind us were shouting about the differences in pay between male and female tennis players.

I then had a very nice banana and strawberry milkshake that actually had real banana in it.

then there was talking and such in other places then i went home and fell alseep.

all of this was actually a lot more interesting but my blog skills are poor and can't be bothered describing everything in detail. i don't even know why i am doing this. it will stop in a few days and i can return to normality.

Fight count - none that i saw
Jam count - none
Noodles - none